This project is dedicated to my youngest sister, nicknamed Pip, who has a very restricted diet due to numerous medical conditions including Eosinophilic esophagitis. At home, we're always experimenting to create safe recipes for her. For this project, I wanted to take one of these recipes and imagine it as a packaged product. Like Pip, each chip is unique. This is reflected by the different shapes on the bag as well as the textured edges of the logo. The bag features a rice grain texture in the background.
Phone: +1 (803) 818-8977
Instagram: @imfine_everything_isfine
© Autumn 2023 | Graphic designer
Selected Works
SpooniePublication Design
Pip ChipsPackage Design
Lucky GoatEmail Newsletter
AmbrosiaPackage Design
Krka National ParkPrint Design
SimpliciteaPackage Design
Museum of CryptozoologyBranding